Fire Marshal and Fire Warden Courses

Fire Safety Solutions provides onsite Fire Warden and Fire Marshal Training courses to businesses throughout the UK.

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Your Fire Warden Training Experts

Employees designated as Fire Marshals or Wardens bear the responsibility of assisting in evacuation, fire mitigation, and ensuring the safety of key personnel, demanding more in-depth training.

To ensure they are able to fulfil this role, they must undertake a comprehensive course, covering essential fire training along with additional advanced modules.

Our customised onsite Fire Marshal training is conducted by professional trainers who are both fire consultants and have fire fighting experience. Tailored to your premises and business type, each course incorporates training based on your Fire Risk Assessment and Fire Emergency Evacuation Plan.

Our 2.5-hour course can be delivered to up to 16 learners, and delivered at your workplace.

Fire safety Portsmouth

Why Undertake Fire Marshal Training?

Why Fire Warden Training
It Saves Lives

Fire warden training equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to swiftly and effectively respond to fire emergencies, potentially saving lives.

Keep People Safe and Potentially Reduce Damage to Property

Fire warden training helps keep people safe and can potentially minimise damage to property by ensuring swift and effective responses to fire emergencies.

Training Can Prevent Fires Starting

Fire warden training enables individuals to identify and address potential fire hazards, implement preventive measures, and promote a culture of fire safety

It Is The Law

Fire warden training is a legal obligation to ensure workplace safety and compliance with fire safety regulations.

What Do Our Fire Warden Courses Cover?

Main Topics Covered

Our fire marshal/warden training courses cover a range of subjects including:

  • The common causes of fire
  • The behaviour of fire
  • Fire safety legislation
  • Fire prevention
  • What to do if a fire breaks out
  • How to use fire extinguishers
  • Emergency evacuation procedures
  • Responsibilities of a Fire Marshal/Warden
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Enhancing Fire Response Skills

Fire Warden Training Courses Response Times

Throughout the course, participants will delve into the most effective responses to various fire scenarios and learn how to appropriately select the right fire extinguisher for different types of fires. This comprehensive training culminates in a thorough examination designed to evaluate the attendees' grasp of the acquired knowledge and skills, ensuring their readiness to handle fire emergencies with confidence and competence.

All course delegates are awarded a certificate on completion of training and full attendance, valid for three years.

How Many Fire Wardens Do I Need?

Legal Requirements

There is no specific legal requirement for the number of Fire Marshals; however, our expert team can offer guidance on determining the necessary amount. Essentially, according to regulations, the responsible person must designate one or more competent individuals to aid in implementing preventive and protective measures for people and premises.

Ensuring Adequate Resources

The responsible person must also ensure that the Fire Marshals appointed have the time available for them to fulfil their functions and the means at their disposal are adequate having regard to:

  • The size of the premises
  • The risks present
  • The distribution of those risks throughout the premises
Fire risk assessments Portsmouth

Our Fire Warden Training
Course Delivery

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Site Specific Training

Our instructors adjust the fire warden training material to tackle specific hazards and safety protocols pertinent to your workplace setting, guaranteeing participants acquire practical and relevant knowledge.

Building Fire Safety Tour

This interactive tour helps them identify fire exits, extinguishers, alarms, and other essential equipment, ensuring effective emergency response.

Audio Visual and Kinetic Learning

We employ varied teaching methods like audio visual aids and hands-on activities, including visual presentations and interactive demonstrations, to enhance understanding and retention of safety concepts.

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