Health and Safety Training Courses

Fire Safety Solutions provides onsite health and safety training courses to businesses throughout the UK.

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health and safety training courses company

Your Health & Safety Training Experts

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, employers with more than five staff members must have a health and safety company policy and conduct risk assessments. These legal requirements aim to safeguard employee well-being and prevent workplace accidents.

At FSS we provide a range of Health & Safety Courses tailored to meet your organisation's needs. Designed to promote a safe and healthy work environment our expert instructors cover essential topics to equip participants with practical skills to prevent accidents, manage risks, and respond effectively to workplace hazards.

health and safety training courses

What Do Our Health and Safety
Courses Cover?

health and safety training courses
Hazard Identification

By identifying hazards, individuals can take proactive measures to prevent accidents, injuries, and illnesses.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments empower individuals to proactively manage risks and create a safer work environment for all employees.

Emergency Procedures

Effectively recognise and respond to emergencies, including evacuation, providing first aid, using fire extinguishers, and contacting emergency services.

Legal Responsibilities

Understanding legal responsibilities ensures individuals are aware of their duties under applicable laws and regulations, assisting compliance.

Our Health & Safety Courses

Main Topics Covered

Whether you're looking to enhance workplace safety, meet regulatory requirements, or receive personalised guidance and support to develop effective health and safety policies, our Health & Safety Courses and consultancy services are designed to support your goals and empower your workforce. Tailored to specific industries and job roles, our courses ensure relevance to real-world scenarios.

Our Health & Safety Courses:

  • Health and Safety in the Workplace course (half day)
  • Health and Safety in the Workplace course (1 day)
  • Health and Safety Risk Assessment services
  • Health and Safety training / consultancy
health & safety training courses company near me

Our Health & Safety Training
Course Delivery

health and safety training courses provider
Site Specific Training

Our instructors adjust the health and safety training material to tackle specific hazards and safety protocols pertinent to your workplace setting, guaranteeing participants acquire practical and relevant knowledge.

Building Fire Safety Tour

This interactive tour helps employees to identify fire exits, extinguishers, alarms, and other essential equipment, ensuring effective emergency response.

Audio Visual and Kinetic Learning

We employ varied teaching methods like audio visual aids and hands-on activities, including visual presentations and interactive demonstrations, to enhance understanding and retention of safety concepts.

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